Learn.org Recognized SchoolThe United States Sports Academy continues to be recognized as a leader in online education now that its Bachelor of Sports Science degree in Sports Strength and Conditioning has been named one of the top online exercise science degrees in the country.

The organization Learn.org ranks online programs using data from the schools themselves as well as the U.S. Department of Education and other sources. The data is weighed based on quality, cost, value, and other factors to determine rankings. The Academy’s Bachelor of Sports Science degree in Sports Strength and Conditioning was ranked in the top 8 of similar programs around the country.

The Academy’s online bachelor’s degree in strength and conditioning aims to arm students with a foundational knowledge informed by up-to-date research. Students are taught to think critically in order to develop the skills necessary for a career in today’s strength and conditioning field. Coursework closely follows the industry standards set forth by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). Students who complete this degree will be prepared to take national certification exams, such as the one offered by the NSCA, which are critical to advancement in the profession.

Graduates of the Academy’s strength and conditioning bachelor’s degree program will have the physiological and sports management knowledge required to direct, develop and run a training facility. They are also be trained to work with athletes to improve their athletic performance, understand nutrition, and to learn necessary kinesiology, anatomy and physiology to prevent sports-related injury.

Click here for more information and to see the complete list from Learn.org.